EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. - AFP journalists saw the body on January 30, not long before an emergency vehicle arrived carrying police and medical staff in full-body protective suits. The World Health Organization declared a global emergency over the new coronavirus, as China reported on January 31 the death toll had climbed to 213 with nearly 10,000 infections. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) / TO GO WITH China-health-virus-death,SCENE by Leo RAMIREZ and Sebastien RICCI
قررت السلطات الصينية إعادة اغلاق المدارس و الجامعات بعد ارتفاع معدل الاصابات بفيروس كورونا من جديد وتسجيل 106 إصابة جديدة في غضون 5 أيام.
وقامت السلطات بمدينة بيكين باجراء فحوصات شملت عشرات الآلاف من السكان.